Why is negative thinking toxic?

We have all been there. (me, many times)…..We have all experienced the dreaded negative thoughts that just pop into our head due to some trigger or other, and before we know it we feel bad.

It goes like this: Our negative automatic thoughts affect our emotions which in turn affect our behavior and before we know it we have lost control of it all three. We can also behave in destructive ways that then affect out emotions. It doesn’t matter which way round we do it, negative thoughts, emotions and behavior can have a very toxic affect on us, with negative thoughts leading the game.

Don’t you find it becomes tedious dealing with it all over and over? The strange thing is that it is so easy to slip into this mode, but far more difficult to get of it.

When we don’t think negatively we don’t feel negative, and when we don’t feel negative we don’t behave negatively. It’s all much healthier. It is such a viscous cycle, it’s a mystery to me why we let it repeat itself so often when we know how bad it is for our total well being.

Why would we do that to ourselves? Why punish ourselves in this way? Yet it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that anyone who has suffered from depression, anxiety, stress, panic attacks, low self esteem, social anxiety and much more, will have experienced negative automatic thoughts many, many times, probably too many times to count.

The sad truth is that these negative automatic thoughts invade not only our mind, but our emotions and our behavior. Without these NAT”s (negative automatic thoughts) we would certainly feel much better and we’d behave better and more rationally, which is difficult when we are bombarded with negative and toxic thoughts.
Why are they toxic? Simply because they do poison us, they poison our mind, emotions and behavior. They control us, rather than us controlling them. They dictate to us what to think, how to feel and how to behave, and we as good obedient children do as those toxic thoughts tell us believing their every word. Why we would choose to believe them is a mystery to me, but we do unless taught differently.

If you think about it, it is crazy to allow ourselves and our whole being to be controlled in this way. What is worse is that we are controlled by something so bad for our mental and emotional health and well-being as well as our soul.. yet we can allow it to continue indefinitely, accepting that this is how it is for us, when in fact it can be very different indeed.

How can we hope to be happy under such conditions? We can’t unless we change. If we want to take charge of our lives, our thinking and emotions and how we carry out our lives, so we’d better get back our control back NOW.

If you haven’t yet managed to rid yourself of these demons which plagues millions of people every day, and you would like to, you can do so. It takes learning of course, but there is a way that works. I know because I teach it and will happily teach it to all those bloggers interested.
If you are looking forward to a better quality of life, free from toxic thoughts, if you want to start being in control of your mind, then take a look at module five of the program on NAT’s. It should convince you how TOXIC NAT’s are.

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